Our Story

Meet Asaad and Ayu, founders of The Daily Broth.
Before they first launched their brand in 2020, the couple initially developed their bone broth recipe as a means to address their son’s selective eating habit. And whilst doing so, they discovered that bone broth also holds significant benefits for adults.
After six months of running The Daily Broth as a side business, Asaad made the decision to resign from his position at a bank. His passion for food made this a small sacrifice, and shortly after, Ayu, who was working in the Oil & Gas industry, also resigned to focus on the business. Today, the couple devote their full attention to nurturing and expanding their passion project.
They call themselves The Daily Broth for the very reason that bone broth can and should be consumed daily. Their mission is to provide their customers with high-quality, nutrient-rich bone broth that not only tastes great but also supports their overall health and well-being.
Through transparency and mindfulness, what started as a small venture in their apartment kitchen, has since grown in size, and garnered increasing popularity. And long may this journey continue!